(1.1, 2.2, 3.4)
I tried to use body language and exaggerated actions to try to invoke tension and desperation.
Feedback was positive and I was happy.
(2.1, 2.3, 3.2)
Kev was directing throughout basedon our ideas and I tried to follow his instructions re posture and thinking about light as well as I could.
I’ve never been filmed before or acted so all the skills learnt up to the shoot were new to me the drama work with Ste really helped with this.
I was nervous at first at the thought of performing but soon felt comfortable with it. I thought the audience reacted well. And I felt happy with the feedback.
My main weakness would be lack of confidence but I gave it a shot. Enjoyed the session very much.
(3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
We were all made aware of the health & safety issues. We asked each other first if we were all ok doing the scenes. We had to make sure we were aware of fire exits and had to be wary because there are a lot of exits.
We were aware of peoples past issues and we made sure they were comfortable doing certain scenes.
(1.1, 2.2, 3.4)
I used my own experience what I went through my self I would like to make it a realistic as possible. I gave m y ideas to other people I listened to all the feedback given to me it was positive feedback.
(2.1, 2.3, 3.2)
Dixie directing the scene, I had to pretend I was emotions and crying and things like that. We were drawing from our own experience e of being in prison for the first time. It was fairly realistic.
It was like trying to use as much realistic body language as possible. At first I wasn’t confident but afterwards I felt more relaxed.
I wanted my performance to be as realistic as possible so it gets the message across.
My feedback was good. The director was pleased with the way it came across.
I’ve lived through those experiences so I though my strengths were to show my experiences. I don’t think I found any of the performance difficult.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Apart from not being paid for my talent…!
We had to be aware of our surroundings in the dark and where the fire escapes were. We only had to go as far as we wanted and only say what we wanted to day and no more.
(1.1, 2.2, 3.4)
Through things I have gone through in my real life I put my ideas into the performance more feelings real feelings that I have experienced.
We were given positive feedback of how to improve the scenes Other people gave input on to our scenes in orfder to basically sometimes it’s a further improvememtn on what your feeling and seeing.
Seeing different methods helped us put different things into the rehearsal including body language etc.
(2.1, 2.3, 3.2)
In performance it was all about body language really emphasizing sounds and movements so it comes across clear on film
It took a while to get into it and forget about all the stuff going around it took a while you get into the role. You want the audience to feel and see the desperation and really understand. We got good positive feedback. It was all positive. The director asked me if I had done any previous acting, as my performance was good. I was better at acting on the film than doing the soundtrack s I found it easier to focus on the film as I it was easier to imagine.
(3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
In the morning we had a health and safety briefing. We were made aware of the fire exits and were told not to wander about on our own until we had become accustomed to the venue. When we used the hand-basher we were told to hold it by the handle as it became hot when used.
We all followed instructions and no-one had any queries or quandaries about it. Everybody is definitely looking out for each other’s safety. We were told to be aware of our surroundings when working in the dark cells.
(1.1, 2.2, 3.4)
We all put ideas for certain scenarios but we ended up all working on other peoples ideas for performance. Stephen said that it would help to get a different perspective if we worked on other peoples ideas it would also help to remove the chance that we are affected by our recall.
We got good feedback on our rehearsals. People in the group seemed to be happy with the work there were no criticisms. I rehearsal the artist gave me instructions, I had to walk on and touch the shoulder of a person, I had to do it with different emotions. 1 Someone I didn’t know, 2 someone who saved my life and 3 some one I knew. The audience were asked to comment on what they thought the scene was.
(2.1, 2.3, 3.2)
I played the part of a prison officer. This was the least interesting part of the course because it was very repetitive; I can understand why it had to be done that way in order to get the shots we need. In my second scene I had water thrown at me, bits of newspaper and crawled on the floor but it was good. A lot of the performance came from my observations of behavior when I was inn prison. The rattling of keys was to show the prison officers perverse enjoyments. They have swagger about them, which I tried to portray.
I felt fine about performing in the family break down scene. Even if I looked daft no one would know it was me. I’d like to think the performance would have a big impact on the audience, even if it stops one person in a hundred it will be a good thing.
I got good feedback about my performance, I was told it was good acting. They said it turned out good. The re was one scene that he was unhappy with but that was because of the track on the track and Dolly.
I think one of my main strengths was being able to help direct the prisons officers scene as I could draw on my experience. My performance in the family breakdown scene was good. My weakness was hurting my hands hitting the floor!
Although I have enjoyed this part of the process the least due to the repetition of shots I’m still enjoying it.
(3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
Addiction is a like a hook, a trap; it is a powerful force that can consume people and isolate them from the world. Addiction destroys lives. Addiction is a prison, which captures people in a number of ways. These are the cells of addiction.
Scene 1 – Jail
Addiction has driven someone to crime. A new prisoner arrives in jail. They are frightened.
-Prisoner walks in
-Prisoner sits on bed
-Prisoner drops kit down
-Head in hands
-Under the blanket shaking
Scene 2 – Mental Health
Addiction has created severe mental health issues. In this cell a person is gripped by fear, paranoia. Their heart is beating fast. They are shaking
-Crouching/cowering in a corner shaking
-Running to the window/looking for a way out
-Climbing walls
-Rolling into a ball on the bed
-Paranoid eyes
Scene 3 – Relationship Breakdown / Homelessness
A person stood lifeless holding a black bin liner with all their possessions. In the other hand is a bottle. All around them are shards of torn pictures, red-letter bills. Their relationship has broken down due to addiction and they are homeless.
-Person with head down holding black bag and bottle.
-Shards of images and red-letter bills
-Bare feet
Scene 4 – Crime
Addiction often leads to crime. A man needs to get some money to pay for the drug.
-A man jumps into shot like a jack in the box
-Shot of balaclava
-The man is holding a weapon and waving
-He is fighting to take a handbag
-He wins the struggle and the victim falls to the floor
Scene 5 – Desperation
Addiction makes you hungry for the next hit. A person becomes desperate when he can’t get hold of a dealer.
-Hand shaking with phone in palm
-Fingers trying to type in digits
-Kicking things in frustration
-Head against the wall
-Sweeping things off a table
-Riffling through a drawer
-Tapping foot
-Thumping against the wall
-Searching through a wallet
-Screaming in frustration
Scene 6 – Withdrawal
People trying to come off a substance have symptoms of withdrawal. This person is experiencing both mental and physical torment.
-Sat on a chair rocking back and forth
-Knees shaking
-Hands shaking
-Sweat running off a brow
-Feet tapping
-Pacing up and down
-Paranoid eyes
-Holding stomach feeling sick
-A shaking hand holding a glass of water and some tablets
-Crouched in corner
Scene 7 – Death
Addiction can ultimately lead to death. A person breathes their final breath…
-Chest rising (breathing)
-Tears fall (recall)
-A hand grasps then opens
-A sheet covers the body
The orange marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the green shows how they felt by the end.
For today's performing arts session we were lucky to be working with Stephen Burke an experienced and talented theatre director. Stephen had arranged for the session to take place in the prestigious Studio Theatre at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Stephen began the session with a talk about Health & Safety, Emotional Wellbeing and Boundaries and then led the group into a series of warm up games designed to help participants focus on using space and being aware of their movements.
Following this the group practiced sharing stories and narratives, starting with a fairy tale and moving onto stories from their own experience. The effect of this was to help detach people from the emotion behind difficult moments of recall and focus solely on the detail, action and moments of drama. Focusing on these moments the group identified ‘tipping points’ whereby key moments could be communicated through small focussed details in order to tell a story.
Stephen then took the group through an exercise to show how different elements of texture or sound could effect an audiences feelings about a scene. An identical scene was run 5 or 6 times with different sounds or atmospheres attached in order to create a desired effect.
The group spent the remainder of the time planning the execution of their scenes during the production elements next week. They appleid all they had learned from Stephen about tipping-points, layering texture and sound and body movements within a space. The results were very impressive and give us a great platform looking ahead to production next week
Session Aims:
- Identify key moments from experience
- Produce some creative writing describing these scenes
- Produce some defining lines of scripted dialogue to accompany these scenes
The group were asked to respond to the statement
“I can produce creative writing which communicates my experience to others”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the blue shows how they felt by the end.
As the campaign edges towards it's final stages it was time for the group to design and develop a concept for a short film. This 'Viral Media' element to the campaign aims to create a preventative message aimed at young people around addiction.
The group decided to continue the broad theme of addiction that has so many similarities regardless of the substance in question. Their film concept is about capturing a range of the groups personal experiences and insight into addiction with a particular focus on the consequences of addiction.
After working on their own individual creative writing pieces, the group worked together to create scenes for the film encompassing a series of themes relating to addiction/dependency.
The themes relate to situations or experiences group members have had or witnessed:
The group then worked individually on a theme before developing their final scenes together. Each scene takes place in a prison cell which is indicative of the entrapment which can be associated with dependency of any kind. The finalisation of the scenes are to follow as the group move into the Movement Arts stage of the campaign.