Session 8.
Reflections on process of creative writing.
How did we identify the best way to present our piece of writing:
As a group we brainstormed the various styles using four different areas and came up with themes against each
Form - books, forms, text-books, papers, etc
Style - novel fiction, non-fiction, historical, sci-fi etc.
Purpose - communicate, inform, educate, analyse,
Audience - students, children,
(1.1, 1.2, 4.1)
Best form was were short stories, scripts, electronic media
Best style was fiction, non-fiction, horror, thriller
(1.3, 4.2)
Where did the inspiration behind our pieces of writing come from?
We used our timelines in order to identify a beginning, middle and end point of an event in our lives that affected me greatly.
We presented these moments by reading out the output to the group as a whole and got feedback from the group.
(2.1, 2.2)
How did feedback help us to edit and finish the piece of writing?
I didn't make any major changes to my piece as it was based on facts that really happened in my life.
(3.1, 3.2, 5.1)
Overall I am pleased with my finished piece of writing and dialogue as it was accepted by the group and is to be taken forward as basis for mental health scene.
(3.3, 5.2)
Creative Narrative
"There is an empty room except for a single table and chair. Possibly a lamp to create a stark image. There is a window with the blinds drawn. There may also be a rope hanging. There is a single character - this person is gaunt and unshaved with unkempt hair and a manic face. The character is dressed simply and fairly scruffy. The table has used drug paraphernalia on it. As the door to the room opens the person turns to look and immediately registers extreme fear and manic behaviour. They practically scream. They have obviously been in thought then they run to the window, but it is locked. They run round the walls as if trying to climb the walls. The scene closes as they find a the rope and pull a noose round their neck."
Scene Dialogue
"Depression? Paranoia? Fear? Doubt? Addiction can mean a life of misery and mental illness"
Addiction Speaking
"What you need is to be nice and warm, wrapped up in cotton wool, protected from the world-safe. You need me - the big H. I can give this to you and sort out all your problems"
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