- Contribute a narrative idea to a series of performances
- Practice, respond to feedback and rehearse a scene
- Contribute to a performance
The group were asked to respond to the statement
“I can contribute to series of performed scenes”
The orange marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the green shows how they felt by the end.
For today's performing arts session we were lucky to be working with Stephen Burke an experienced and talented theatre director. Stephen had arranged for the session to take place in the prestigious Studio Theatre at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Stephen began the session with a talk about Health & Safety, Emotional Wellbeing and Boundaries and then led the group into a series of warm up games designed to help participants focus on using space and being aware of their movements.
Following this the group practiced sharing stories and narratives, starting with a fairy tale and moving onto stories from their own experience. The effect of this was to help detach people from the emotion behind difficult moments of recall and focus solely on the detail, action and moments of drama. Focusing on these moments the group identified ‘tipping points’ whereby key moments could be communicated through small focussed details in order to tell a story.
Stephen then took the group through an exercise to show how different elements of texture or sound could effect an audiences feelings about a scene. An identical scene was run 5 or 6 times with different sounds or atmospheres attached in order to create a desired effect.
The group spent the remainder of the time planning the execution of their scenes during the production elements next week. They appleid all they had learned from Stephen about tipping-points, layering texture and sound and body movements within a space. The results were very impressive and give us a great platform looking ahead to production next week
Family Breakdown


Mental Health

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