(1.1, 1.2, 4.1)
We decided that we needed to have a factual hard hitting truthful film that put across the many different events and feelings that we went through as addicts.
(1.3, 4.2)
We looked at our timelines that we did in one of the first sessions and thought about a start a middle and an ending of our addictions. Taking key moments out of our timeline that represented how things changed in our life and what was significant in the changing of me being addicted. As a group we then discussed the moments and stages we went through the thoughts we had on them.
(2.1, 2.2)
We then decided on the seven parts of the film we wanted to include and each had a section of it to put into a dialogue. I had 'desperate to score'. We read out our pieces of writing around the scene and listened to feedback. The group really liked my idea and there were no major changes to make to it.
(3.1, 3.2, 5.1)
I feel very happy about the way it has developed into the section of the film I am doing and I am looking forward to the filming that we are going to do.
(3.3, 5.2)
Creative Narrative
"We are in a scruffy flat, dirty. Alone in a flat. Pacing the floor. Sweating, scruffy, panicking. Making phonecalls trying to score, crying, getting angry, frustrating and shouting. Throwing furniture, smashing things, through frustration, screaming. Getting more and more angry and upset. Paraphernalia around, foil, needles, bottles but no score. Knowing your going to rattle all night, worried, throwing up, not being able to sleep or get comfy, legs twitching, aches and crying. Hoping you can score in the morning."
"I need a score! I can't get a score. Oh my god what am I going to do? Who else can I call? Someone must have something. Screams. Sobs. Aaaagh I can't get comfy! Thoughts of panic, angry thoughts and frustration."
Addiction Speaking
"You need me, you want me! I will make you better. I will make you feel warm and relaxed, come on, come on and get me. I've got you and I've gripped the whole of your mind and body now. You rely on me. You need to score!"
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