We discussed the various forms of writing - word storming as a group and came up with plenty of forms, purposes and potential audiences. Fiction, Poetry, non - fiction genres such as horror, romance, comedy, etc. Work to persuade, dissuade, horrify, amuse, educate. Potential audiences would be young, old, users, the general public, etc.
(1.1, 1.2, 4.1)
The form we chose was a mix of fiction and non fiction drawing on the experiences of the group as a whole. Our audience will be young vulnerable adults with an aim of dissuading substance misuse and informing of the dangers of addiction.
(1.3, 4.2)
Our inspiration for the pieces was the groups experience of addiction. We used our timelines from a previous session to identify key moments in the addiction cycle. These were moments at the start of addiction, at the middle stage, and where we are now
We each chose one theme, situation that the group had decided on, developed this as a narrative within the constraints of the proposed set, time limit and resources available to us and then pitched it to the group as a whole .
(2.1, 2.2)
After group disscusion the scenes were finalised. We all fed back to each other and made the final chabges to our piece.
(3.1, 3.2, 5.1)
I thought the end result was fine and it will be really interesting to see how it pans out through the acting and filming stages. Another good days group work.
(3.3, 5.2)
Creative Narrative
"One character in a cell - Dead, expressionless face. Tears in the eyes, Blank face. Spotlight on the face. The character is at end game, the only noise / dialogue are in the mind. Overlapping phrases - noises of friends/partners/girls/boys revisiting of better times emphasising the sense of loss and finality - the character is drowning. A knot is tightened. Fade out"
Dialogue and sounds
"Laughter - a table full of friends joking. Waves, gulls, holidays. Waking up with girlfriend, or the sound of kids. Clubbing music."
Addiction Speaking
"Use! Feel better Drinking. Steal! Feel better. Lie! Feel better. Harm! Feel better. Die! Feel Better."
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