27 August 2009
26 August 2009
Session 7 - Campaign Posters
Review outputs of design process and make final edits
Complete remaining canvasses
Begin to look at Campaign Film Adverts
The group were asked to respond to the statement:
“I can review and edit a professional poster campaign series”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the green shows how they felt by the end.
Today was a pivotal session in the project.
The group spent time reviewing the outputs of the Design process which SnowGlobe have been working on following the briefs set by the group. The group were happy with the series of posters, requesting only minor changes to the copy. There was a passionate discussion on the tone of the posters and the final copy lines were carefully agreed between the group. Snowglobe were asked to create a series of posters which had clear and vivid fonts and a clean background to really draw focus onto the photography. The group were really happy with the way Snowglobe had realised their ideas!
Keep your eyes on the BLOG for the print proofs which will be up very soon!
Next the group turned their attention to completing the few canvasses which were still to be finalised. For this we welcomed Jim Cereal back into the fray. The final piece to be completed was Emley's Chicken and the Egg idea. Time was spent writing, and etching onto the painted canvas to create the desired effect. We all think this is a great addition to the series.
This concluded the first half of the project.
The project so far had been all about creating a range of still images to address the first campaign aim:
'To help motivate adult service users break their personal cycle of substance misuse'
Now we moved onto a new page in the project. From here on in, the artistic process and outputs will all be related to the second aim:
'Creating a preventative message suitable for young people around the dangers of substance misuse'
We viewed lots of examples of campaign film adverts including some of the following films:
Talk to Frank
Alcohol - Know Your Limits
We discussed the films in relation to the three part process of MEDIA>PROVOCATION>ACTION
After seeing some examples of what is already out there the group began to explore the possible direction of their own campaign advert.
25 August 2009
tinker"session 7"
today was mainly about discussing about our photos and the titles for our final poster designs, we as a group talked together about if the titles fitted the actual photos and whether the text was right.i think that our posters will make a good impact.
Ad Campaign
we then moved on to preparing for the next part of the campaign as we have come to a conclusion and the ideas have been finalised.
Im looking forward to the next session.
Dixie Dean - Session 7
Today has been alright. We looked at our final poster designs which we had briefed a designer to create. We talked together as a group about final decisions on titles, captions and I had to choose between 2 images that would feature in the final posters.
My idea was Daddy Day care and I chose the image of a man gouching through a child's eyes. The poster is great. I think it will make people sit up and think especially parents who are using.
Ad Campaign
We went on to discuss ideas for our film campaign aimed young people. We looked at a series of campaign ads on the internet to look at how other messages have been communicated in this way. We then had a group discussion on how we can impact on young people and communicate our ideas about addiction through ad campaigns.
We have developed some initial ideas about this such as 'Hotel Addiction' where a number of people are in rooms suffering from various addictions.
Looking forward to the next stage of the production.
Yogi - Session 7
Today we came together to look at our final designs for the poster campaign that we have created. We discussed the titles and captions and came to a group decision about the final changes.
We all contributed to each piece, giving our views which created quite a heated debate.
I think the final posters are really brilliant, I am satisfied with the product and it was nice to see what we have achieved as a group. I think the posters will have a good impact and make people think twice about their addictions and how they are living their lives.
Session 7 Emley
Finalising the canvasses and discussion around the posters.
This was a lively session with some good discussion especially around how much we should be guiding service users or challenging them to come to their conclusions. ALl the posters were good and powerfulthe group seemed happy with the outcome. I think we did a good job of work. Have got mixed feelings about my canvass but a lot happier after the work Jim did on it today.
The last part of the session was looking forward to the ad trying to build up some ideas and fest their practicality set/time wise, etc.
Looking forward to the next one.
session seven - boodahdoodah
i found today's session to be very interesting,as a group we disscussed our ideas and concepets and came to a desision to finalise each of our ideas on our static media images,everybody present contributed and gave there opinions and i found the group to be very supportive and it helped us devolop our ideas.
Canvass Designs
today i was actively involved in our group discussion,helping people with questions that were been asked and also asking questions when i found it nesacery or relivent,the group all interacted really well and i found my contributions very welcome and other peoples ideas helped me to develop my images
Rebecca - Session 7
Today we came together to look at the final drafts of the poster campaign we devised, to discuss if there needed any changes and what they should be. We talked about the text content, the final images we should use and whether they got across the message we desired.
I am pleased with the overall images and the messages within them are very clear. I think people viewing these posters will get the idea very quickly.
Video Ad Campaign
We viewed various social media campaigns and gave our thoughts on how well they were done. It helped us to consider our own campaign and how we were going to do it.
My idea for a canvas design was to create a pie chart image that represented how addiction takes over your life. The tag line I came up with was 'How much of your life are you willing to give to addiction'. This concept was based on my personal experience where 95% of my life revolved around addiction and only 5% of a normal life.
I wanted to create this piece to challenge adult service users to make a change and break their cycle of addiction.
(2.1) My role was to take an active listening part as well as having an input into the session. The group worked together as a team to evolve the idea and debated how best to take the idea forward. As it was my idea I had the final say with any changes but also listened and took on board other members views and opinions.
(5.1) During the session each group member pitched their ideas for a canvas, we all encourage each other to expand on the ideas. I listened to other peoples views and also contributed to other concepts by sharing my own ideas.
It was a collaborative approach in which we all helped and supported each other.
(7.1) As I have progressed and changed as a person the people around me and in my life have given me praise and encouragement but also valued my opinions more and asked me for advice.
As part of the Peer Mentoring course we had to give and receive feedback in a constructive and positive way.
(7.2) I was actively involved in helping others develop their own work by participating in discussion around ideas and concepts. I gave my points of view and felt it was valued by other group members.
17 August 2009
Session 6 - Campaign Design
Session Aims:
- Research successful social marketing poster campaigns
- Learn advertising golden rules
- Create a brief for a professional designer
The group were asked to respond to the statement:
“I can create a design brief for a Social Marketing campaign poster”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the green shows how they felt by the end.
Using the photography outputs its now time for the group to create some striking campaign posters. Inspired Youth have lined up their favourite designer, SnowGlobe Creative to respond to campaign design briefs set by the group. But first of all, what do we know about Social Marketing? The group studied some examples of campaign work including the NHS anti-smoking campaigns and other such media.
They also got to grips with some facts and figures...
A discussion followed around which campaigns had been memorable and for what reason. A three stage process was introduced to explain how Social Marketing works and how we could use it to achieve our campaign aims...
Using some key principles outlined in Pete Barry's book "The Advertising Concept Book - Think Now, Design Later" (Thames Hudson 2008) We introduced some Golden Rules of Social Marketing Campaigns.
The group then focussed on which themes they felt were most prominent in our campaign so far.
Reflecting on their creative work so far, the golden rules, the examples they'd seen and the project aims; the group got down to crunching through their ideas for a series of campaign posters. The group selected their poster photo and then came up with suggested header and copy lines, along with suggestions for fonts, colour schemes and mood. Projecting the photos onto flip-chart paper enabled the group to see how their proposed ideas could look on a wall. The group pitched in all their ideas together and a series of design briefs were set for SnowGlobe to follow.
During the next session the group will be reviewing the drafts of their posters, making any edits and finalising them for print.
14 August 2009
Bufflo - Session 6
The canvasses were really good. How it all came together was good, I thought it was going to be just a can of paint but it turned out to be totally different to how I thought it would turn out. The end product on canvas I thought it looked smart!
The photographer showed us how to use the cameras and how to use different angles. His instructions were clear to follow and I thought he was a good photographer because his attitude was good even though he knew we were all ex addicts he treated us with respect and dignity. I really enjoyed the session.
I'm feeling good about the design session. I can't wait to see the end product. Its something to be proud of that we have taken part in.
We all worked as a team today swapping different ideas and we are hoping that it will make an impact on other service users.
I'm looking foward to it all me! Thats why I don't miss any sessions, I turn up every time!
I hope other people can benefit from our expereinces and what we have been through and hope other people don't have to go though the same as what we have been through as its good to put something back into the coummunity.
Emley week review
Completely new to stencilling and spraying and found the whole process fascinating it was a big privilege to work with someone who was so talented with the artform. It was good to get the chance to have a go at expressing ideas visually and to get some understanding as to how difficult this is, gain a few insights and have a bit of the mystery taken out of the process. Jim Cereal helped throughout and was great to work with and open to all of our ideas.
The same went for the photography sessions really great to see a proccess through from start to the finish. Jim was great with the group and we all shared work and tasks - had equal input, etc. Plenty of technical advice on lighting, framing and getting the image to work for you to get the message accross. Good fun choosing and using props, locations, etc.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the project and have high hopes for the campaign in terms of impact.
The group has worked really well together, no egos, friction. I'm having a ball.
tinker - session 6
Dixie Dean - Session 6
We learnt about advertising slogans and we all pitched in to everybody's chosen photo.
It feels good to be puuting my own experiences into a campaign and I can't wait to see the finished product. It was good to work with the two Jims!
Working with the artsist was good. When I take photos I'd think it was a good shot and it woulddn't be. They told me to look at the subject or person differently. I took one of the pictures lying on the floor.
Inspired Youth are not judgemental or prejudiced. Two of the nicest blokes I met.... Barnsley lot aren't bad either!
I'm looking forward to the next part of the project.
Yogi - Session 6
Our canvas art and photographs have all turned out fantastic. It has given me a lot more confidence, it has given me great belief in what I have to give. I am hoping through this project to put something back into the community by inspiring people with addictions to change and seek help. My message is that life is better without addictions. Addiction is a dark and lonely place. Your life is empty when you are trapped in addiction.
I think the project is fantastic and really enjoyable, we have worked well with Inspired Youth and have found them excellent facilitators. It has been great fun to work with them.
This campaign proves that if you put your mind to it and focus you can achieve great things. I think the campaign can make us as individuals more confident because you are responsible for this positive campaign. It can make people think.
Sharing our experiences and insight into addiction makes the messages true to life and realistic.
Its been helpful to be working with people with various addictions because it helps you understand their issues better and not be judgmental. We all have addictions and essentially we have faced similar issues to each other.
We are at a point now were the group is very well formed. Everyone is positive and supportive and this has been a fantastic aspect of the overall experience.
I am looking forward to completing this project it has been one of the best experiences and I have achieve so much already. I even feel proud of myself.
I hope that campaign leads to bigger things and new projects. I hope the message gets across, even if it saves just one life it has been well worth it.
I'm looking forward to the fnished posters and the other outputs which up to now have been first class.
13 August 2009
Session 5 - Bufflo
His daughter called him a smack head at age 8. camera is POV of
infant in a buggy. Camera sees arms of a parent figure leaning in to
pick up whilst also holding a needle. Poss the adult is simply walking
by holding needle. Children notice everything.
The photographer told us the right way to use the camera, showed us how to use the camera and what not to do. He went through each part and what we’d do for each shot. We discussed the safety aspect including triggers for each person. If we didn’t feel comfortable we could tell him and he’d take it away.
I think it was a good working relationship, first he showed us how to use the camera and different positions. His instructions were clear, by following his instructions it all turned out well.
I shot the baby through the push chair. Dixie was in the chair. The photographer told me exactly how to line the camera up and how to do it properly. I had to lean forward, take a shot, check it to see if it was right and take another one.
I was also involve in Emley’s shoot where he was showing withdrawal symptoms. I thought he acted it very well because that’s what they do.
I think we all cooperated as a group very well because we were all equal and treated each other equal. We performed well as a team, we were shown what to do and we all played our part.
I thought we all worked well as a team when we looked together at the images to decide on the final ones. The photographer explained aftertouching and how the images can be processed to achieve various outcomes and moods.
I communicated my views about the shots, we worked as a team to decide the final shortlist. We chose a selection of final shots from each shoot. We picked out the most apt images which conveyed the message well. I was open with my views but overall we worked together to achieve the final shortlist.
We negotiated very well together as we all wanted to chose the best shots for the posters.
I think we have done a terrific job on the shoot and the images are spot-on. They are very powerful and get across the messages we are trying to share through our campaign.
I have really enjoyed today’s session and looking forward to the next part of the process which is to design a poster to get the messages out there.
Session 5 - Yogi
Figure at desk in suit, shot from opposite side of desk, all looks normal
and business like except for the drug use gear placed amongst the
normal desk items
We have been working with a professional photographer to shoot our campaign images around substance misuse. The photographer explained how to operate the camera and talked to us through lighting and gels to alter the colour and mood of a shot. At first I practiced taking some shots, framing and composing the image of an addict in an office, then I took several shots for real.
The photographer was very engaging helping us throughout the day, giving suggestions taking about angles and asking us how we would like to frame the shots.
We worked as a team all of us contributing to each others work. We all chipped in on each shot. Jim addressed us all for each shoot which enabled us all to actively be involved in each composition.
The working relationship was very good. It was a professional approach and I have really enjoyed the experience.
The photoshoot itself was very exciting and I really enjoyed it. I felt it was a fantastic experience as I have never done anything like this before, I have got really into it.
The photographer uploaded the images we shot to a computer and as a group we viewed and reflected on the work. For each shoot we short-listed the best photographs. We made these decisions together as a group with a view to the final images for the posters as part of our campaign.
We were all outspoken about our views on the images and agreed together the final decisions.
I gave my views and opinions on what I felt worked the best and after some debate we collectively agreed on the final shots for the posters.
I am really positive about the images and think they do a brilliant job of getting the messages across and they look true to real life. We have tried to convey the real emotions of our experiences in real life and put it into a picture.
It will be good to see how the posters work out, you never the posters could change someone’s life.
Emley - Session 5
Panic in a crowd, group is frozen as if walking past figure who is losing it in the centre of the shot, shows isolation and pain.
I really enjoyed working with the photographer. During the briefing he gave the instructions for which shots we’d be shooting ands what they consisted of. Throughout the day he gave us instructions on framing the shot different lighting exposure etc. Everybody had a turn to shoot the camera, or model. I thought the working relationship was great both with the photographer and the group. No problems with group work and it all went smoothly.
I modelled my own panic attack shot. I had to act out a panic attack and from first impression I think the shot went well.
We chose the shots to go on in a group, everyone having a comment. I offered my opinions on all the shots. Looking at which ones would be most effective to keep and which to discard.
I feel the day went brilliant, really enjoyable, worked really well and I’m looking forward to the poster concept part of the project.
Boodahdoodah - Session 5
Dixie Dean - Session 5
Agreed Photo Concepts:
Shot from above or very low of street drain with spirit bottle lying
empty or pouring, money also in drain, with the arm, poss female,
lying next to the bottle.
His communication with us was very good, he advised us on different angles for each shot. He asked different people to take the photos on different shots. I was asked to take the one where the person was lying in the gutter. He gave us instructions to work out where the model would be by taking a few photos of the area first. I thought the process was good. If it was just up to me everything would be in the middle and with no different angles.
When we had the scenes set, different people in the group would have input in the way to get the best shot.
We all discussed the shots together and discussed which were the best ones.
The day went brilliant, I enjoyed it. I’ve learnt not to put evberything in the middle of the shot. I’ve even been telling my neighbour how to take photos.
Session 5 - Photoshoot
Session Aims:
- Shoot a series of photo compositons
- Select final images to go forward
- Give reflections on the BLOG
The group were asked to respond to the statement:
“I can use digital photography skills to contribute to a series of finished photos”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the blue shows how they felt by the end.
Today we welcomed back the mighty Jim Poyner to the fold.
Jim had prepared his equipment for the shoot following the concept briefs set by the group.
It was a demanding shoot schedule but the group were in good spirits and the day went like clockwork. Jim organised the shoot and assisted each of the participants in shooting, directing or lighting their own photo composition. Here are some shots of the process.
After a successful shoot the group gathered to rate and select shots to go forward to the design stage.