Talk to Frank
Alcohol - Know Your Limits
Session Aims:
- Research successful social marketing poster campaigns
- Learn advertising golden rules
- Create a brief for a professional designer
The group were asked to respond to the statement:
“I can create a design brief for a Social Marketing campaign poster”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the green shows how they felt by the end.
Using the photography outputs its now time for the group to create some striking campaign posters. Inspired Youth have lined up their favourite designer, SnowGlobe Creative to respond to campaign design briefs set by the group. But first of all, what do we know about Social Marketing? The group studied some examples of campaign work including the NHS anti-smoking campaigns and other such media.
They also got to grips with some facts and figures...
A discussion followed around which campaigns had been memorable and for what reason. A three stage process was introduced to explain how Social Marketing works and how we could use it to achieve our campaign aims...
Using some key principles outlined in Pete Barry's book "The Advertising Concept Book - Think Now, Design Later" (Thames Hudson 2008) We introduced some Golden Rules of Social Marketing Campaigns.
The group then focussed on which themes they felt were most prominent in our campaign so far.
Reflecting on their creative work so far, the golden rules, the examples they'd seen and the project aims; the group got down to crunching through their ideas for a series of campaign posters. The group selected their poster photo and then came up with suggested header and copy lines, along with suggestions for fonts, colour schemes and mood. Projecting the photos onto flip-chart paper enabled the group to see how their proposed ideas could look on a wall. The group pitched in all their ideas together and a series of design briefs were set for SnowGlobe to follow.
During the next session the group will be reviewing the drafts of their posters, making any edits and finalising them for print.
We have been working with a professional photographer to shoot our campaign images around substance misuse. The photographer explained how to operate the camera and talked to us through lighting and gels to alter the colour and mood of a shot. At first I practiced taking some shots, framing and composing the image of an addict in an office, then I took several shots for real.
The photographer was very engaging helping us throughout the day, giving suggestions taking about angles and asking us how we would like to frame the shots.
We worked as a team all of us contributing to each others work. We all chipped in on each shot. Jim addressed us all for each shoot which enabled us all to actively be involved in each composition.
The working relationship was very good. It was a professional approach and I have really enjoyed the experience.
The photoshoot itself was very exciting and I really enjoyed it. I felt it was a fantastic experience as I have never done anything like this before, I have got really into it.
The photographer uploaded the images we shot to a computer and as a group we viewed and reflected on the work. For each shoot we short-listed the best photographs. We made these decisions together as a group with a view to the final images for the posters as part of our campaign.
We were all outspoken about our views on the images and agreed together the final decisions.
I gave my views and opinions on what I felt worked the best and after some debate we collectively agreed on the final shots for the posters.
I am really positive about the images and think they do a brilliant job of getting the messages across and they look true to real life. We have tried to convey the real emotions of our experiences in real life and put it into a picture.
It will be good to see how the posters work out, you never the posters could change someone’s life.
I really enjoyed working with the photographer. During the briefing he gave the instructions for which shots we’d be shooting ands what they consisted of. Throughout the day he gave us instructions on framing the shot different lighting exposure etc. Everybody had a turn to shoot the camera, or model. I thought the working relationship was great both with the photographer and the group. No problems with group work and it all went smoothly.
I modelled my own panic attack shot. I had to act out a panic attack and from first impression I think the shot went well.
We chose the shots to go on in a group, everyone having a comment. I offered my opinions on all the shots. Looking at which ones would be most effective to keep and which to discard.
I feel the day went brilliant, really enjoyable, worked really well and I’m looking forward to the poster concept part of the project.
Agreed Photo Concepts:
Shot from above or very low of street drain with spirit bottle lying
empty or pouring, money also in drain, with the arm, poss female,
lying next to the bottle.
Session Aims:
- Shoot a series of photo compositons
- Select final images to go forward
- Give reflections on the BLOG
The group were asked to respond to the statement:
“I can use digital photography skills to contribute to a series of finished photos”
The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the blue shows how they felt by the end.
Today we welcomed back the mighty Jim Poyner to the fold.
Jim had prepared his equipment for the shoot following the concept briefs set by the group.
It was a demanding shoot schedule but the group were in good spirits and the day went like clockwork. Jim organised the shoot and assisted each of the participants in shooting, directing or lighting their own photo composition. Here are some shots of the process.
After a successful shoot the group gathered to rate and select shots to go forward to the design stage.