Session Aims:
- Present the campaign process, roles and responsibilities
- Get to know each other and build the project team
- Begin to explore and communicate shared experience
The group were asked to respond to the statement “I understand how to develop a Social Media Campaign”. The red marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the blue shows how they felt by the end.
The group discussed how people make assumptions of each other based on appearances. In pairs the group drew pictures of each other without lifting their hand from the paper and without looking at what they were drawing. Here are the portraits of the group:

Reflecting on the portraits, the group made some assumptions about each other based on the way they looked. They then discussed the definitions of Prejudice and Discrimination and how Stereotypes can emerge as a result.
The group discussed common stereotypes which could apply to CRI service users; particularly relating to the way that the media portrays people and substance misuse issues.
The list was mainly negative stereotypes.
In small groups the participants were asked to define the reality of substance misuse and how it effects a person's life. Three characters were drawn. Outside the character are reflections on possible circumstances, influences and actions which may effect the character's life. Inside the character were the possible thoughts, feelings and emotions which the character may be experiencing as a result.
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