Session Aims:
- Research a professional photographer’s portfolio
- Learn important digital photography techniques
- Pitch an idea for a photo composition
The group were asked to respond to the statement
“I can pitch the concept for a striking photography composition”.
The green marks represent how the group felt at the start of the session the blue shows how they felt by the end.
Today we introduced the mighty Jim Poyner to the project. Jim spent some time running through his biography and explaining various examples of his work. He showed the group everything from portraiture to editorial and corporate marketing work.
Next Jim took the group through a demonstration of the skills needed to frame and light different types of pictures to create mood and atmosphere. He also showed the effects different lenses has on the same subjject. It was a really great way of showing the group how they needed to think in order to get the best results for their individual ideas.
Here is Jim showing different framing techniques:
Positioning your subject centre frame can sometimes make for a boring picture. Framing off centre however works well.

Looking towards the edge of the frame can look cramped...

But looking into the space can work really well.

The group worked on individual ideas for striking photo compositions using their life maps and a range of photography books and magazines as inspiration.

Finally the group pitched their photo concepts to Jim and the rest of the group for feedback. A selection of ideas were taken forward to be captured during the photo shoot next session.
Jim added his comments to the BLOG:
"Excellent session today, great to meet the group and discuss the ideas
and get some really challenging, technically difficult and visually
arresting concepts inline for thursdays meeting. Good to put faces to
the names I've been reading on the blog, so I've attached a few shots,
suitably anonymous that I though would compliment the final images.
Apart from the one of Kev, but thats just his face, he cant be blamed
for that :o) See you all Thursday.
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