Figure at desk in suit, shot from opposite side of desk, all looks normal
and business like except for the drug use gear placed amongst the
normal desk items

We have been working with a professional photographer to shoot our campaign images around substance misuse. The photographer explained how to operate the camera and talked to us through lighting and gels to alter the colour and mood of a shot. At first I practiced taking some shots, framing and composing the image of an addict in an office, then I took several shots for real.
The photographer was very engaging helping us throughout the day, giving suggestions taking about angles and asking us how we would like to frame the shots.
We worked as a team all of us contributing to each others work. We all chipped in on each shot. Jim addressed us all for each shoot which enabled us all to actively be involved in each composition.
The working relationship was very good. It was a professional approach and I have really enjoyed the experience.
The photoshoot itself was very exciting and I really enjoyed it. I felt it was a fantastic experience as I have never done anything like this before, I have got really into it.
The photographer uploaded the images we shot to a computer and as a group we viewed and reflected on the work. For each shoot we short-listed the best photographs. We made these decisions together as a group with a view to the final images for the posters as part of our campaign.
We were all outspoken about our views on the images and agreed together the final decisions.
I gave my views and opinions on what I felt worked the best and after some debate we collectively agreed on the final shots for the posters.
I am really positive about the images and think they do a brilliant job of getting the messages across and they look true to real life. We have tried to convey the real emotions of our experiences in real life and put it into a picture.
It will be good to see how the posters work out, you never the posters could change someone’s life.
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