His daughter called him a smack head at age 8. camera is POV of
infant in a buggy. Camera sees arms of a parent figure leaning in to
pick up whilst also holding a needle. Poss the adult is simply walking
by holding needle. Children notice everything.

The photographer told us the right way to use the camera, showed us how to use the camera and what not to do. He went through each part and what we’d do for each shot. We discussed the safety aspect including triggers for each person. If we didn’t feel comfortable we could tell him and he’d take it away.
I think it was a good working relationship, first he showed us how to use the camera and different positions. His instructions were clear, by following his instructions it all turned out well.
I shot the baby through the push chair. Dixie was in the chair. The photographer told me exactly how to line the camera up and how to do it properly. I had to lean forward, take a shot, check it to see if it was right and take another one.
I was also involve in Emley’s shoot where he was showing withdrawal symptoms. I thought he acted it very well because that’s what they do.
I think we all cooperated as a group very well because we were all equal and treated each other equal. We performed well as a team, we were shown what to do and we all played our part.
I thought we all worked well as a team when we looked together at the images to decide on the final ones. The photographer explained aftertouching and how the images can be processed to achieve various outcomes and moods.
I communicated my views about the shots, we worked as a team to decide the final shortlist. We chose a selection of final shots from each shoot. We picked out the most apt images which conveyed the message well. I was open with my views but overall we worked together to achieve the final shortlist.
We negotiated very well together as we all wanted to chose the best shots for the posters.
I think we have done a terrific job on the shoot and the images are spot-on. They are very powerful and get across the messages we are trying to share through our campaign.
I have really enjoyed today’s session and looking forward to the next part of the process which is to design a poster to get the messages out there.
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