10 August 2009


Session 2

In this session we worked on time-lines, reflecting on our experiences in life. We were discussing ideas around communicating these experiences through canvas art.

My idea focuses on drug misuse but in particular around cocaine. In my experience service users with cocaine addiction look down on Heroin addicts, as if they have a worse problem. I wanted get across that in modern culture drugs such as cocaine are glamorised and is seen as fashionable, but in reality they can cause as much destruction and chaos as any addiction.

My idea was a model like image of a girl messed up by cocaine with a bleeding nose. I wanted my concept to shock service users into thinking more seriously about the impact of cocaine addiction.

My idea was received well by the group, they agreed that it was high impact and would grab peoples attention.

The artist was really good in response to my idea and helped me to develop a slogan for the piece 'Crack on'. This wording is a pun, but designed to challenge people to stop and think about their addiction.

I was really positive about the feedback and developed the idea to a final concept i was really happy with.

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