10 August 2009

Dixie Dean - Session 3

[Photos of finished canvas to follow]

It was enjoyable taking part in the creation of the canvases. It is a new art form for me to experience and i think they carry the messages really effectively.

I worked on the pie concept, spraying up the canvas which I really enjoyed.

I was actively involved in the debate around developing ideas for the final pieces and worked well with the team. I gave my thoughts, opinions and ideas contributing to the development of each piece.

I was encouraging other members of the group with their work. It was really interesting to see how each layer of the stencil art brought a new dimension to the piece. I was open to other peoples ideas, listening and feeding my ideas back.

It was good that the team worked together to input on every canvas so collectively we all played a part. I liked the images so much I captured photographs of them on my mobile phone camera.

I am a service user rep which means I am used to giving feedback to senior management and staff. I also have experience of giving and taking criticism during a spell in jail.

I am also used to giving feedback within my role as service user rep to groups we run within our service.

I really liked all of the concepts and gave my honest feedback and praised the good work being achieved.

I offered constructive feedback on all the work.

The final pieces are really arty but they carry strong messages.

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