4 August 2009

yogi - session 1

people look down on addicts and treat them with a stigma so it creates differences on peoples veiws - this is prejudice. we disucissed this with im our group things were said like drug addicts smack heads and alcoholics. discriminations is that they are treated different because they are service users

stereotypes there is no postives factors as people are made to feel worse scum useless drain ti society

influences of attitudes is brought on through media and television, but people who have accessed services are very glad and have learnt to go a differrent direction.

CRI services treat everyone the same regardless of race, religion, age or gender and regardless of their situatino or background. This way it helps to engage people in the service.

Equal opertunities is part of the project contract, it means everyone is treated the same and with dignity confidentiality and respect. It means to be non-judgemental and respect the other members of the group.

The debate was alright, I joined in with the discussions and made some good points. I know how to communicate my ideas very well and got my ideas and experiences accross to the rest of the team. I listened to other peoples views and opinions and even when I differ in opinion i respect their views.

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